Objekt 744 od 3015
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Two houses on one plot in Sutomore, below the highway, on a land plot of 542 m2

Small house area 52m2
numeru objektu: TRGI-5.7593
Szybki kontakt
Dane podstawowe
210.000 €
Powierzchnia mieszkalna okolo:
137 m2
Dalsze dane
Dalsze dane
typ domu:
domek jednorodzinny
wyczerpujacy opis
wyczerpujacy opis
Opis objektu:


Two houses on one plot in Sutomore, below the highway, on a land plot of 542 m2

Small house area 52m2
Structure: corridor, bathroom, kitchen-dining room, three bedrooms
The area of the two-story house is 137 m2
First floor: living room combined with kitchen, bedroom, large bathroom
External staircase to the second floor
Second floor: 2 bedrooms, each with its own terrace, bathroom
There is a storage room
Garage for 1 car and outdoor parking for 1 more car.
Very beautiful area with fruit trees: oranges, tangerines, plums, apricots, grapes
City water, septic tank
800 meters to the sea
Payment in rubles is possible
Osoba odpowiedzialna za kontakt

Red Panda Properties, Inh. Mario Totzek
telefon: +49 341 319 580 31
telefon komórkowy: +49 1575 847 49 27

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